مشارك عابر
منذ ‎08-11-2017

إحصاءات المستخدم

  • 4 عمليات نشر
  • 1 حلول
  • 0 تم منح نقاط إعجاب
  • 0 نقاط إعجاب مستلمة

نشاط المستخدم

Hello I have been to your Jawway pick up location at panorama 3 Times now 2 of which did not have an employee present, and there was no reason for one not to be there and it was not durring prayer time or past working hours. How do you expect us to p...
After going ordering a sim card by delivery then canceling it and ordering another one for pick up, I would recommend that you order your sim card for Pick Up at Jawwys panorama location as home delivery by SMSA can take a lot longer then the 5-7 bus...