مشارك جديد
منذ ‎05-11-2019

إحصاءات المستخدم

  • 5 عمليات نشر
  • 0 حلول
  • 0 تم منح نقاط إعجاب
  • 0 نقاط إعجاب مستلمة

نشاط المستخدم

Jawwy is a huge fast growing company in saudi arabia. Jawwy is becoming so popular than any other sim. I think in 5 years this could lead stc. That is why you must need physical customer care booth official. Where jawwy will introduce the program dir...
Easiest way to contact with jawwy is chat or email. But 60% to 70% people i know they don't know the way to communicate by chat or email. Create a customer care service calling facilities for immediate effect. To be honest chat take times to solve an...
Reward code for selected restaurant doesn’t work for example hardees don’t know anything about jawwy offer. Please work on that.